Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Monday, October 13, 2003

Heys.New blog.Getting sick of diary-x.Hah.Abit chilidish eh?.Diary-x.Hah.Mean thing.Yups.Yesterday was extreamly draining.Hah.Tired after all the wedding stuff and all.Yups.Woke up in the wee hours of the money.Used the comp in the morning.Hah.Suppose to study actually.Hah.So much for the book.Hehs.Was suppose to meet sa at my house.She wanted to get stuff from the market and i wanted to make my hair.

Some girl was damn early.Nehnels.Rushed just to wait for her.Thought that she would be early.In the end,waited for her.Hah,Went around the market buying stuff.Went to make my hair about 11.30.Rushing like some chicken.Bahh.The women la.Slow motion.Shit her.Hah.Rushed all the way home and changed.Hehs.Didn't even have time to put on makeup.Hehs.

Geri,nor and sharon went first.Hah.Me and sa got a cab and it started to rain.How nice.Hah.Yuppers.Got there and found those 3 girls.Sat down and soon the thing started.Sam look so pretty.=) Hah.Her gown sexy eh? Hurhur.=) Chris was there serving too.Hah.Happy happy sammels.Hah.And damien looked like ahmad.Hah.Lisa was trying to be some dumb photographer.Hah.Silly girl.That camera of her's is the most noisiest camera every heard.Hah.'bijittttttt'.Hah.

After mass we went to york hotel for the reception.Hah.Yups.Ate our hearts out.Hah.All the food was nice.Hah.After that we went dancing with sam and her uncles.Haha.Fun fun.=) Went home with a pot of roses in our hands.And we took the mrt home.Everyone was just simply staring.Just whatever.Hah.Went to hildya's house after that.Ate and then studied accounts.Heh.Was just crapping with all my cousins actually.Hehs.

Went home at around 11.Bathe and everything and settled in bed at 11.30.Smsing my dearest.Hah.We planned to sleep at 12 but i slept first.Hah.Sorry.Been a long time since i talk to him.Yups.Message han too.Crappy fella.Think he knows so much about mensetration.Hah.Just whatever to him.Hehs.Accounts 1 and Maths2 today.Maths was all right.The p;aper was okay.But if only i studied for the y=mx+c thingy.Hah.It's over also.Accounts was the best.Can't be bother.Hah.Know i'm going to fail accounts so why care.=) Yups.Anyways,tomorrow's the last paper.Yayness.Bowling for us tomorrow.Jamming on wednesday.YAY! =) Studying for bio now.Ltrs.