Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


*Sixpence none the richer;Down&out of time.

"My opinion of people in general has veered wildly over the years.One day i'll be amazed at how kind and generous people can be and how genuinely caring.The next day i'll be ready to write off the human race as irredeemable.I'm a voracious reader.I'll read about all the sickness,strife,war,hatred and inhumanity and wonder why God lets it go on another minute,why life seems to be one long process of digging yourself out from under one problem after another.If you're a celebrity,that's good,because you can make a lot of money publishing books about your breakdowns and miscues.If you're not,well,just suffer alone."

what amazes me is that throughout this whole period of self-wallowing(well to me it was,somehow rather),i didn't shed a tear.i guess it really shows how numb i've become to situations like these.and its better somehow to be angry rather than try and be nice.afterall,it makes it easier to move on.but then again,i can't bring myself to be angry.i'm so messed up,i don't even know myself lonely.