Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Monday, July 19, 2004

Don't treat me, i'm to blame.
 Don't treat me like i ever accused you.

*Mad Caddies-Day by day.

HOHO! Haha.It's been a week.Lazy wazy please.Yeps.Past week was okay i guess.Well,i cannot remember.Err..Oh,friday! Hah.There were some aussie in our school.Really good band.But the hall's acoustic just wasn't good.Their show band was THE best.And Mr i-play-the xylo JAMES.Hahh.And Trumpet boy robert looked like he listens to ska.HEH.And during their show band performance,they played zoot suit riot! Wanted to skank but..NO CROWD!

Anyways,we had orals.Hah.But being the SACIANS,we were constantly being interrupted by those lower secs who wanted james or matthew's email or contact.Shouting and shouting.Bitches in fire.PFFRT! Orals was...BAD AH.I said i wanted to meet hitler.I'm gonna FAIL.Die and DIE! Stayed back to play badminton with the rest.

Saturday had mocks.Physics&Bio.Kinda difficult so we all copied.HAH! Yea.Went to go visit band after that.They sounded good.=) Espeacially my section.Heh.Anyways,went home cos' was gonna meet nic and the rest for photo session.Was suppose to meet her at 0130pm but i slept till' that time so i was uber late.Heh.Reached city link around 0300pm.There was tanya,dee,joey,karen,chantel,nic and me.So we walk to the esplanade first.Took photos.From there we walked to the fullerton,waterboat,victoria concert hall.Haha.It was fun at vch.HAH! Watched the sembawang wind ensemble for free cos they had practice.Met mal and kwek-t after that.

Left soon after.Towards the padang and courthouse.Snap many photos.Hehh.Yeps.Was waiting for mal and tanya to coem back from the toilet,so i texted zul.He was at baybeats! Hah.And i was heading towards town for laksa.So ate quickly and back to the esplanade again.Met up with haikal.Hafiz was there too.Sureal was playing when i reached.Heh.So yea.Msged zul and all.Heh.Met him after that.TEEHEE.=) But had to go soon cos' was going for some bbq thingy.So yea.After that it wasn't much.Just went home and had no mood.
My mother's cousin daughter got married yesterday.It wasn't a big thing but yea..ate the food and all and i went up to sleep.Heh.Bummer.Rushed thru' my homework yesterday and i spent 3hrs on the comp uploading photos.SHACKED! Yea.I didn't know veron went to baybeats.SHE DIDN'T TELL ME! and many people who i knew went there too! i was such a loner that day.i was all alone! Saini and din went.Siti and dani was there too.Even that poseur jerica.Hah.Even the TWINS! Slap me please.
Today passed fast.Gonna sit for the Malay N orals this wednesday.Scared ah.My malay is so terrible.AHHHH..Hope i don't screw everything up.Heh.Anyways,was in the train that day.I saw a couple ah! KISSING AH.I turned away.Pffrt.Annoyed.COLD AND ALL ALONE *strums the guitar.Heh.I was being so bloody bitchy today but if i am such a MAJOR bore to you,go find someone else.After a year and i'm such a bore.WOW.Thanks.I don't deserve to be treated this way.Espeacially by you.Ltrs.
*Photos are up.
Photo frenzy.
Hate me now so i can move on,make it easier to see that you're gone