Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Thursday, July 01, 2004

Call me a cheepskate,come on for pete's sake.
Cry agony,cry agony.

*Rufio-Follow me.

Hey ho.Hmm,few days have been okay.Been tired.Hah.Have been going home everyday just to sleep.I need sleep i swear.Heh.Anyways,today was a LONG day.I dread thursdays.Lessons starts at 0740am.And the worst part,it had to be geog in the early morning.No mood.Had some spot test.Wrote crap.

Accounts,physics.RECESS.Had cake.Was Geri's and Sharifah's birthday.The cake was good.Hurr.Malay,PE.Hahaha.PE was FUN! We played volleyball.We anyhow whack only.Hahaha.Silly.Theh change to captains' ball.Wanted to play football but Mrs tay said it was new balls and she didn't allow us to kick it.GRR! English,Maths,bio.Mrs yeong was being such a racist again.HAH.Pitied Nic and Tanya.Always getting picked at.THEN! Haha.We were being so childish,we started pasting price tags on huishan.She cost $1.05.Evil.

After school,helped out with the guides.Had to pack goodie bags for the arts alive guests.So MANY bags please.Never ending! We still have to pack more.Hahaha.Yeps.My back is aching.I think something's wrong with it.Oh no.Hehh.Yeps.We are gonna have free subway meals.Hah.And many free things.Woowheee.I want to pack somemore goodie bags!

Oh,on wednesday,during PC,we kinda choosed what course we wanted to take in poly.Haha.I'm aiming for design.Can't remember what course but its some course at NayangPoly.Yeps.Or maybe Apparel and mechandising design.If i can't make it,i'll be a nurse! Hahahaha.Cause the cut out points is 28.Heh.Nurse then NURSE la.I can be CARING! I SHALL BE A NURSE! Ltrs.

I am bored.

until the day i die,i spill my heart for you.