*Student Rick-October Skies.
Heys.Hmm.Today was wear what you like day..No,no.Canossian expression day.Hurr.Every class has to come up with a theme.Our class came up with wearing all black and having tinsels in our hair.So it was kinda cool la.Came to school and drew eyeliner and all.Hah.
Everyone had stars on their nails today cause of ME! Drew stars in their nails.Heh.Yea.Watched some gangster movie for mother tongue and physics.Social studies after that.Hah.Couldn't really be bother.Ogle,ogle at guys for recess cause the st.pats guys were selling their fun fare tics.No money to buy though.
The rest of the day in school was okay.Hah.Exchanged shoes with nic.Stupid VANS shoes.I used to think it was cool,but it's NOT! Hah.Take loads of photos.Well,not loads la.Took photos.Hah.Yeps.Left with debbie,mel,sharifah and jo after school.Headed to tampines.
SUPPOSE to meet jamal.But he didn't even answer his phone.Maybe i shouldn't jump to conclusion but..GRR! Dissapointed.Talk about being sincere.Whatever it is la.It'll never be cause i don't wanna be the fool anymore.Was a hopeful when i left school.Came home all shattered.I give up already.I should have listen to others.I've been working for,something oh so FAKE.
Hmm..Thanks for today and for the letter also okay? Appreciated all that.I guess what you said was right.In the end,you were there for me.Thank you.=) Ltrs.

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