Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

This town is full of dumb reminders.

*No use for a name-Not your savior.

Heys.Finally saturday's here.Seems like the days have been going by really fast.Vroom,vroom,vroom.Tuesday was great.Went to eastpoint after school.Lunched at burger king and studied at starbucks. Rach,fel,sa,jo,sharifah,deb,mel,jolene and me.Sat with debbie at one table.We were like down memory lane please.Talking about the first time we met saini and jamal.From sweet memories to the bitter one.Well,it's already gone.For debbie la.Hurr.Send her off the the mrt then went to starbucks to meet the rest.There's a cute waiter at eastpoint.Mahaha.You don't have to go all the way to FAR EAST actually.Hah.Went home at 0530pm.

Wednesday was like every other day.Lessons were okay.Didn't meet jamal cause that fella had some test to take so back home to study social studies.Was studying and i fell asleep halfway.That's how boring social studies can fucking get.Got up and studied more.Was on the phone till 12.Woke up in the wee hours of the morning to study.Lucky i managed to get all the stuff in my head.

The duration of the paper should be extended! Didn't managed to complete my 10marks essay question.I knew how to do that question somemore.All the points memorised.But i just didn't had enough time.Spent it too much on source-based.Oh wells,it's over already also.Headed to whitesands maccies for brunch.Nic,jo,eileen,sam,sa,linette,fel,rach,deb,mel,nor,geri. The whole crew.Maha.We had our laughs there.I was constantly being pushed by sam.Hahaha.Grapes and wine.Sucking on *insertnamehere tits.Sprinkle some alpha bits and everything will be fine.Mahahahahaa.God,that really cracked the shit outta me and nic.Went home after that.Had no mood to study for geog.Indulge myself in a big box of honeystars.Sleep,sleep after that.Started studying at 0930pm and that was only on tourism.Hurr.I was planning to fail anyways.

Geog paper on friday was better than i expected.Luckily i studied tourism and industralisation.Most of the essay question was about tousim and industralisation.Hurr.Map reading was alright.But the essay! Wahh.I swear,they should really extend all these humanities paper.My 13marks answer was as long as my 6marks answer.Ahhh! Hope the points are relevant.Hurr.Went to town with veve and deb after that.My budget eating buddies.=)

Took a 14 there.It took such a fucking long time to bloody hell get there.No more nicoll highway.Grrr.We sat in the bus for more than an hour before finally reaching there.Lucky plaza,far east(no khaiS),heeren.Bumped into sharifah,ade,ben.Went to hmv to check out the cds.I wanna get the get up kids.Debs went to go meet iman after that.So me and veve walked aimlessly after that.Many many things that i wanted to get.Hurr.Veve treated me to a strawberry cheesetart.Sweet,sweet veve.Heee.=) Bitched about *insertnamehere after that.Mahahaha.Was fun.Talked to iman after that about some stuff and went home.Slept and had to go to my auntie's after that.Melancholy the whole night.Pretty fucked up friday.

I guess the only reason why i'm feeling melancholy cause i'm insecured and paranoid.I can't stop myself from being that way.Have to reassure myself everyday.Sometimes i feel that it's fading away.Sooner or later,it'll go.Had a great talk with my cousin yesterday.In a way,she's right but there's something stopping me.I don't wanna let go just yet.I guess it's love? Hurr.It's love,make it hurt,It's love,it's love,it's love.Oh crap.

Happy birthday to TANYA! Happy sweet 16th! =) Enjoy your day while it last yea? I'll be here to listen to all the crap that you have to tell me.Hehh.=) love love.And also to that someone whose birthday was on 4th of may.YOU know who you are.Happy 19th.=) Ltrs.

Your favorite song was written but you'll never know