Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

An elf and his zippo.

Heys.Suppose to be gelare day today.Now tuesday ain't gelare days anymore! No time nor money for gelare eventhough it's half price.Damn.Heh.Hmm.School was okay today.Didn't get back our progress card cause Ms lim didn't come again.And the relief coudn't find the cards.And i only gave mine back last week.Gees.Heh.Ms chua came and talked to us.

Pe was tiring but pretty contented with myself.Managed to run 4 round without walking.Haha.Actually it was suppose to be 5 rounds but..cheated.Heh.Then we had shuttle run.That Ms chiang or whatever her name was,was torturing us! Run so many times.I swear i could have just fainted.Heh.Free period for english.Trash out session with the class.Muliana and me was on powder frenzy.Hahaha.We were putting powder everywhere cause' we didn't wanna be sticky.Waddahell.Hah.

Deb got kinda pissed during recess cause' this AH LIAN was just fucking staring at her for fuck reason.And i got pretty annoyed too cause after recess she was just staring and pointing at our table.Stupid cina farts.(no offence.i'm not a racist.heh.) Called *him after that.*He's sick.Heh.Poor fella.Anyways,bio was sleepy as usual.Just wanted to sleep i swear.But managed to revise some work.Yeps.Last 5mins all of us were sleeping.Heh.Malay was fun today.God knows why.

Another hour of free period.Thought that all of us can relec one corner but Ms chua came and we had to do our mindmap thing.Yea.Accounts was the usual.Heh.Don't understand what she was trying to say but who cares la.Hah.Bio tutorials after that.Had fun in the commerce room.Haha.What sia.Debbie was lame as ever.Heh.Spotted a pigeon's nest outside the room.Everyone was kinda amazed.Yea.Amazed over a nest.RIGHT.Haha.

Deb came over after that.Just slacked,ate lunch and use the comp.Maybe heading to yishun to see the pirates jam tomorrow.Hah.Not sure.Depends on the time.I hope they'll make it earlier.Heh.Anyways,ltrs.

going up,going down, sometimes I feel the same way as you do