Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Monday, April 12, 2004

By the end of the day.

Hellos wellos.Heh.Yea.Rock out weekend.Well,not really la.But have been going out since friday.Heh.Headed down the yishun on friday.The whole train trip was dumb.Hahaha.My lesbian girlfriend was fucking funny please.We were trying to be RUFIO and LIARS' ACADEMY! wanna strum our imaginary guitar to all their songs.Hehh.What sia.Yea.Was supposed to meet them at 0430pm but we reached there at 0530pm.Yes,yes i'm late.Hah.Met up with Jimmy after that and we headed towards yishun park.

Wasn't a great place actually.Reached there and first me and deb walked around.And got lost! And there was this pervie! HAHA.Wanna wink and wave at us.GO AWAY! Hah.We ended up some place else.Heh.What sia.Got back after that.Play and learn for awhile then it was total slacked session.Heh.Was just really quiet and stuff.Too tired.Left at 0900pm and got home at 1045pm.My mum was nagging.HEH!

Went for band on saturday.Was fucking sleepy i swear.Heh.Most of the parts weren't there and stuff.So it was boring.Went home and napped after that.Was suppose to follow *him and his band for jamming but it was all the way at yishun! Too lazy.Called debbie and we headed to town.Far east and walked around.Met up with *him after that.He was with saini,din,khai,imran and some rasta fella whose name i don't know.Haha.Made our way to taka to slack.It was 3hrs of PURE slacking.Hah.Wasn't the best time of our lives but we had fun.Heh.

The KHAIS were suppose to come! but,but,but they didn't in the end.Me and debbie was so ready to take their photos.Haha.What sia.Then imran was such a nut.He was singing to rufio.He's lyrics is the BOMB! YOU'RE GRACEFULLL! YOU'RE GRACEFULLL DOWN AROUND ME AND IN MY EYES.YOU'R LIVELY! YOU'RE LIVELY!! WHAT SIA! Hahaha.That got me and debbie laughing our asses off.You're lively when it's suppose to be lovely.HAH! Hmm.When home round 10:00pm.I dunno.Could have just sensed that everything wasn't right.We said our goodbyes and i went home after that.Pretty pathetic.Got home and my mum was nagging her lungs out.Hahaha.Just whatever to her la.I cannot be bother anymore.Didn't have the mood.

Sunday's have always been mundane.So yea.Had class then went home and napped.Woke up with a msg.Was fucking hurt and i started to cry and cry and all stoned and cry more! I guess some of you might know the reason but yea.But things got better towards the evening.I'm glad that everything was cleared up.Just don't wanna loose *him again.I'm happy the way things are.I'm happy with spending time with *him and his friends.Their just wacky and they do the dumbest things.Hahaha.Yea.It feels good to be loved.=)

Today was just super slack day please.This whole week has been.Ms lim didn't come again today.So we had 4 free periods and we all just slacked.Exams are in a few weeks.Hah.Good ah.Heh.Had band after school was alrights.Taught the sec1's by myself today.Justine didn't come.Had an hour of combined and went home.Gonna get back our progress card back tomorrow.Ahh.Shit.Anyways,ltrs.

another life not worth living in masquerade