Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Saturday, April 24, 2004

If i could find you now,things would get better.

[five words that sum you up for today]: tiring,sleepy,bored,aching,fucked.
[jewelry worn daily]: None.But earrings at times.
[wallet]: Topshop.
[coffee]: ? errrr.rhumba frap?
[shoes]: RED shoes.
[cologne/perfume]: raulph,romance by Raulph lauren and Ck be.
[clothing you have on]: minnie mouse pjs.

[wishing]: for him to come and the stars to shine.
[after this]: eat and eat.
[talking to]: no one.
[fetishes]: SHOES and STARS.***
[some favorite movies]: lord of the rings,save the last dance,walk to remember.
[something you're looking forward to]: meeting him.
[last thing you ate]: hashbrown.
[something you're afraid of]: dying.
[some favorite foods]: hah.i'll flood this one.
[something -or someone- you wish you could understand better]: myself? haha.
[miss someone you haven't seen in a long time]:yepps.Jimmmyyyyy.=(

Do you:
[like candles]: yuppers.
[like company]: yea.
[believe in soul mates]: guess so.
[believe in love at first sight]: not really.
[believe in forgiveness]: yes.
[want to get married]: yea.
[want to have kids]: nah.
[ever want to adopt kids]: nopes.

in the last 24 hrs have you:
[cried]: yups.
[bought something]: mushroom swiss.
[sang]: yups,beat your heart out-the distillers.
[eaten]: yea.
[been kissed]: nahhh.
[felt stupid]: Yea.
[wanted to tell someone you love them, but you didn't]: i did.=))
[talked to an ex]: nah.
[talked to someone you have a crush on]: noppers.
[had a serious talk]: yups.
[missed someone]: Yeps.
[hugged someone]: Ya.
[argued with a parent(s)]: Not really.
[dreamt about someone you can't be with]: yea..

social life:
[best girl friend(s)]: debs,sam,sa.
[best guy friend(s)]: ? haha.
[boyfriend/girlfriend]: silly jimmy.
[hobbies]: eat,sleep,tele,go out,ogling,taking photos.
[pager/cell]: cell.
[are the you the center of attention or a wallflower]: wallflower i guess.
[car you drive]: i wanna have a beetle!
[would you rather be with friends or on a date]:both.i would like to know my date's friend and vice versa.
[job]: ? student please.
[like being around people]: depends on who.

[who is your role model]: is brody armstrong counted? heh.
[ever liked someone you can't be with]: yea..but i got someone who wants to be with me now.Good ah?
[ever wanted to get revenge on someone cause they hurt you]: hehh.yups.
[cried over the opposite sex]: yea.
[your favorite physical appearance]: hair oh hair.
[are you happy with yourself]: nah.
[what plans do you have for the future]: pass the exams and get into the poly.
[who's your most trustworthy family member]: none.
[deep secret]: aye.what dumb ass qns is this.
[embarrassing moments]: many.

Hello wellos.Was bored.Well,saturday.A bored one.Too tired to head to holy family to see sharon's comfirmation.Sorry sharon! Oh.Sorry deb.Played you out also.Heh.The week's been okays.Had pft on wednesday.Passed all.Thanks muliana for the help.=)

Thurday was okay too.Lesson as usual.Was aching all over.Heh.Tutorials was fun.Was laughing the whole time.After that headed to the canteen to study.Did maths and we talk about WET WET.Hahaha.What sia.Sa wanted to eat pizza after that.So we ordered.Heh.We were eating secretly cause we aren't suppose to bring outside food into the canteen.Heh.Went home at 6 after making fun of people.Hah.Studied abit and tried to finish our anniversary present but i couldn't.Damn.Talked to jimmy after that.That fella never fails to brighten my night up.=))

Didn't want friday to finish.Had our 2.4km runs yesterday.Hope i pass.I don't wanna retake the test in school but i think i failed.Oh no.Heh.Sa almost fainted.Heh.Poor child.Didn't bring her pump pump thing.Yea.Headed to tampines to eat after that.Got home at 8pm.Was already aching.Walking has become a chore now.Heh.Talked to jimmy for awhile and we both put down to sleep.

Had tuition just now.Was suppose to head to debbie's house to go dye our hair but am too lazy to move out from the bed.Heh.Woke up and slack.Yea.After tuition slacked with my cousin.Talk to her about jimmy and stuff.Heh.Update her about my life more likely.Yea.

My whole body is fucking aching.Ughhh! Debbie and me suppose to go to yishun today but nah! damn.Heh.Ohhh.Heh.Its khaiRUL's birthday.So yea.Happy birthday =) I'm aching and i havent bathe since morning.Good ah.Ltrs.

everything's gonna be alright