Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Monday, May 03, 2004

"You and i" without me.

*Incubus-Are you in?

Heys.Monday again.Hah.How i hate the starting of each week.GRR! Lessons were alright today.Maths,followed by geog.Recess.Then accounts.HAH! I think the paper is kinda easy.I should study harder.Hah.Manage to balance off my suspense accounts+trial balance.Well,i cheated la.But still! Manage to do ratios too.Wah.First timer please.Hurr.

Malay orals today.Wasn't that bad.I realised my malay ain't that good.Conversations were more like cikgu talking.Hah.I couldn't even remember what roads was! And i was totally craping my way thru'.Saying that 3 people died in the Nicoll highway tragedy and that 2 person died in the Ayer Rajah collapsed.Hah.I said..jambatan itu..err..ROBOH!.Off all the words,ROBOH! Alamak.Muni's the bomb.

Social studies was alright.Did pretty much of nothing.There she was teaching and here i am tatoo-ing nic's wrist.Hah.Aiyah she's just boring.Today wasn't a focused day.Half of me was somewhere else.I guess i should put all of this away.Don't plan on failing my exams again.Yea.Social studies class was cancelled too.

Canteened with nic,tan,sa,nor,mel,lin,feli,rach.Just talking and talking and talking.And we were suppose to study! Hah.Everyone was just voicing out their opinion on certain stuff.Tanya kinda joined in.Talk more and she left with her WongCoco jelly(hah!) to tear.Poor child that one.So we sat at the drain talking.We're going thru' the same stuff but of course it's a different senario whereby it's ------- and mine's jimmy.

So all of us went to the pond to talk.Hah.All of us were so depress so we ate WongCoco Jellies.Hahaha.Picnic please.Shared most of our problems.Well i knew lisa and nic did.Hurr.Tanya just kept on crying.Aiyohhh.Soon they decided to go home.=| Hah.Stayed in school for a little while more to complete my tuition homework and back home at 0445pm.Tuitioned from 5-7pm.Did a chapter of social studies already.3more to go.Plan to finish 2more today and 1 tomorrow and i'll be done.Yay! Then again,there's geog.GRR.

Incubus frenzy i've been in.Was telling debbie that some of the songs are so pretty.Heee.Make me go up up and away.It just lift's me up and their songs kinda puts me in a daze.How dreamy each song can get.Oooo.And not forgetting the smooth voice of Mr Brandon Boyd.=)).At least incubus is easing my mind.It's so nice when 2 people like each other.It gets me all so jittery and happy.Hahaha.How sweet things are being said to each other.When you're in a relationship,it seems so different.No more sweet stuff.Yea,there is still but so little.

Our late night talks have become more stagnant and still each night.Never like before where we use to say so many sweet things that made me just fall asleep smiling.Maybe it's me.It's that time of the month again and yeps,square one to me being pmsy+emo.I shouldn't be thinking to much now.Ltrs.<3

And no this day,these deepened wounds don't heal so fast