Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

Retrace the steps as if we forgot.
 Say you wont care.

*Taking Back Sunday-OneEighty by summer.
Heys.I'm so tired.I don't wanna go to school anymore.Pffrt.I'm getting sick of the attitude i'm giving towards my studies.I cannot be bothered anymore cos of my tiredness.Heh.Okays..i think all of that doesn't make any sense.Haha.
Anyways,yesterday,a whole lot of us went to seoul garden to have lunch.We had this coupon thing so we used it but we ended up paying around $150 for 12 or 8 of us.Hah.Kinda costly but all of us had our fill and laugh.Superbly funny! Hahaha.Thinking about it makes me laugh.Hurr.Yea.Slacked with haikal and debbie before heading back home.
Today was a boring day.Apart from it being racial hormany.3.6's skit was kinda entertaining.Hah.Back to class at 0845am.Accounts-2 periods,CME-2 periods,Malay-1 period,RECESS,Pc-2periods.ORALS! Heh.Went home to changed into a lighter bag and all.Met the rest back and we headed to bedok view.Malay orals was..terrible.I think i'm gonna fail.I couldn't remember what was fats in malay.And also what park was.Brainfreeze.Fail ah fail.Macs for a whole lot of us after that.
English essay to complete.Lazy please.Heh.I miss,i miss,i miss..wednesdays.It'll always be OUR day,someday.Hate being LONELY! Tapestry on saturday.Yayness.=) Time to de-stress. Superficial friendship without trust,i guess it'll never last.Random entries always stinks and it never makes sense..or does it?.Ltrs.
i will never make another promise without you