Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Thursday, December 25, 2003

I want your salvation.

Heys.Merry christmas to all! =) I want presents.Haha.Went to sam's place yesterday.Was kinda late so i missed danielle,benny and ben wee?.Yeps.Came around 9.Tan,dee and nic was there.We just relek one corner and crap as usual.Nic left afterthat.Hurr.

Then we went to eat.Sam,dee,tan and me crapped so much i swear.We were telling her the lisa story.Moo taa fucker.Hahahaha.Then we were talking about lord of the rings.Not knowing who is who.Maha.And what happened during that time in the jamming room.Hah.

Went out to go watch mandy's wedding on cd.Couldn't really spot my face though.Heh.Only the last part.Hahaha.Yeps.Then we went to go plan our marriage.Bahh.I didn't though.I had fun with the little childrens.=) I like rachel.She's so pretty.Haha.Yeps.Then they counted down till christmas.Heh.Everyone was with their phone smsing the whole entire contact list in their phone.Hah.I went to message mal,'Merry christmas,where's my parents?' Hahahaha.

Slacked around abit and we went home.Sam gave me a plush lamb.It's so cute! I like i like.Bigger than my other mehmeh.And it's name is lulluby.My bigger one is pippins.=) My parents drove through orchard after that.See all the lights and people.It was happy bangrah day.Many bangrahs around.Heh.Send denise home first then we went all the way to yishun ring to send ms tanya home.Haha.Got home at 2.30.Msg msg till i slept.Tanya told me she went to go meet mal.waddahell?! Stupid child.

Hmm.School tomorrow.Don't feel like going but have to go.Sigh.Ohh.Denise is gonna cut my hair on saturday.Yes.I let her do it.Hahaha.After seeing what she did to tanya's hair.Heh.And it's free anyways.=) Watched foTR yesterday.Hah.I'm still taking pippins.I want to watch two towers! Heh.Then my brother borrowed the book.Yay.I'm gonna read.Hurr.Suppose to go make the cereal thing but i don't have any cereals.Hah.I'm so lousy.Think i'm gonna nap.Ltrs.Oh.And debs back.=))) I wanna be a homosexual.Hawhaw.

I'll find myself drifing in a sky full of...scars they cut into you