Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Saturday, July 24, 2004

Take you away,From that empty apartment.
You stay,And forget where the heart is.
*Slick Shoes-Pass me by.
2 kids in love.
They planned thier life.
One day,she hoped to be *his wife.
But from day one they talked about how thier dreams,
might send them away from each other.
And now,his chance has finally come around.
Question rised,but he still left.
Their true love put to the test.
Oh no,it's happening again.
Relationship about to end.
She felt this way too many times before
But she'll ignore it once again.
Looking up at the sky on this october night,your hand in mine.
I wish that i could stop time and live in this moment forever.
Life...Just *you and i.
If i told you that i loved you,would you be by my side
from now until the day i die?
Don't wanna spend one more night alone.
I can't sleep without feeling your heartbeat with mine.
Here and now,there's nowhere on earth i'd rather be.
You're right here with me and tonight in the moonlight,
i look into your eyes and see the clear future.
You've made me understand what it means to be truly happy.
I can't imagine my life without you
If i told you that i loved you,would you be by my side
 until the end of time?
I'm ready for the world now.
I feel like i can do anything with your hand in mine.
Time has gone by and people they change.
Somehow,i always thought we'd stay the same
2 kids who fell in love on the autumn night.
Turns out,i wasn't right.
I look into your eyes,it's not the same.
You look into my eyes,i never thought you'd say goodbye.
I said,'I never would leave you,i didn't mean to deceive you.'
You said,'I can't believe you,i thought what we had was so true.'
And all i can say to you is that i'm truly sorry now.
And now you've gone,you're so far away.
Never accepted my apology.
But playing that game of make up,break up each night
was ruining out lives.
*truly sorry now.
Heyho.Hah.Colourful entry with a new template.Heh.Anyways,saturday has always been emo days.Hate it.Pffrt.Had social studies mocks today.Didn't complete the paper.Did section B halfway.Hah.Headed to town after that.Had subway for brunch.Walked around.Tapestry at somerset was cancelled i think? Hah.That's what dani told debbie.Yea.Went for awhile.Went to go watch the pirates.Saw the new line-up.Hah.Din was on vocs.ROFL! Cute din.And so the whole of yishun park was there.So yea.Saw the fimilar faces.I seemed invisble to them.Why i care?
Headed home soon after.Train home was super emo.I almost cried and not to mention couples in train! Heh.Got home and went to sleep.Was annoyed with all the msges coming to my phone.Ughh.But i answered them.Woke up and online since.
I am so irratated/annoyed.Thanks VERON for listening.I can't stand how some people can be so superficial.Believeing others and not telling each other anything.It's dumb how you'd always think that you'll have a best friend.I realised i don't have many friends.Well,true ones.Friendship,smenship.Trust,smust.I need time out alone.I don't think anyone deserves my frienship and i think i don't deserve their's too.Ltrs.
Cause after rainy days the sun will shine