Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Sunday, August 01, 2004

To break these endless lies,
Secretly she cries

*Radiohead-Karma Police.

Heys.Bahh.It's been few days.Blogging is so tiring nowadays.Hah.I'm too lazy to update.Blogging is like a CHORE.I'm such a whore for saying that.HAH.Pffrt.

Monday was like any other days.Tuesday was emo day ok.I cried in the toilet.I'm always crying.Ahh.Crybaby! Hoho.Whatever please.Wednesday,everyone was in a tamagochi(?) craze.Everyone wanted one tamogochi.HAH.Its fun la.But i don't think i'll ever buy it.Heh.Yea.It was slack day on wednesday cos we only had accounts and malay for lessons.Maths and english was free periods.Thursday also.So had many free periods.Prata after school with nic,deb,anna,tanya.They all just wanna tamagochi.Hehh.

Jammed after tutorials on thursday.It was okay la.Only that we didn't play what we wanted to play.Next week,RUSSIAN ROULETTE! Hah.Walked home alone after that.Sad ah,sad.Yesterday was okay.Ran 2.4km.Doubt i'll pass.Why i care.2.4km run can go suck tits for all i care.Pffrt! Dad fetched me home.

Mocks today.Geography.It was alrite.Tampines for breakfast.Walked around and went to the jamming place to see haikal and his friends play.Hah.Wahh! Saturday got alot of weird people ah.Hah.Then there was this girl,bassist for mantra.She was nice.Ask us to come for girl fest and support them.Heh.Bumped into weiny too.Went home after that.Again,i walked despite the aching legs.

Next week we'll be getting a long holiday.Hahh.National day celebration and all.Whee! Friday's halfday.And after all that holiday,prelims start.Super fast.Pffrt.Oh no,oh nooo.Hah.Just now me,tanya and debbie walking around metro.We played with all the toys there.And we are gonna save for a barbie.=)

Can't wait for all the major exams to be over.Got so many things planned.Hah.I wanna go make tee-shirts.Hah.Lots of them.Heh.And the forming of a ska band.Hah.So physced.Heh.Ohh,last time that song about khai,my friend made a song outta it.It sounded good.Hoho.

I still feel oh so emo.Pffrt.I feel detached from the world.I was a loner for a whole week.It feels good,at the same time,lonely.I dunno.This whole week has just been alot of thinking.Just pure thinking.And dani told me that trumpet girl and guitar boy are together.So once again,i'm betrayed by those i trust.Sigh.Ltrs.

je manque vous aime

Go figure.

why do you keep it up when we both know you won't manage?

**Leave a comment below.Tag-board's so fucked.