Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Monday, December 08, 2003

Heys.Hehh.Yesterday was just so irratating.My bloody father is just so annoying.I wanna take a gun and pull that trigger right through his head.He's just so unreasonable.Forever shouting at me and my mum.Whatever to him please.Whatever i do is just not to his liking or what not.It's my own problem.Rahh.Bastard la.Go away.Goooo.Hehh.I'm just paranoid.Went to all the weddings yesterday.The last one being an arab wedding.Pretty bride and an ugly groom.Happy couple.Heh.Went home to pick up my brother and maid.Off to visiting.3 houses yesterday.Simpang to eat dinner after that.Heh.

Didn't do anything today.Wasn't feeling to well for band.Furthermore i had to take an exam.Yups.Stayed in the whole day.Wrote testimonials today.Was that bored.Yups.Debs called after that.Talked to her till she reached sgh to see her daddy.Yeps.Eat eat eat then watch tv.Now i'm here.Heh.

Off to far east tomorrow.Sam's gonna do something to her hair.Just gonna accompany here and we can go to penin after that to get my shoes.yay! =) I'm not gonna be shoeless anymore.Hehhh.Wednesday jam jam ke jam jam.Hehh.Then town again i think.Not sure yet.Yups.Hahh.I dreamt of many many many things yesterday.From my family to my cousins to the day that i went to your house.Heh.

Anyways.The holis haven't been really productive cause i didn't do any sort of studying.I'm suppose to do.But i'm lazy.Hah.English homework is just alot.5compos and 5 letter writtings and 5 articles.And the re-do of social studies and geog paper.Maths workbook to do.And accounts.Bahhh.Just blogging about homework makes me more crappy.Saturday's concert not comfirm.Maybe won't be going.Hehh.Ltrs.

I know you well enough to know you never loved me