Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Friday, December 05, 2003

What is this?! After i type one whole fuckin entry everything went blank.RAH!!!.Damn pissifying.Bahh.Anyways,Band today.Suppose to meet tiffy but she didn't come in the end.Played warmups for 1hr.Dancing in the wind.Cartoon carnival.Beauty and the beast finally renegade.Ended at 1.Date with debbio today.

Met up with deb after her angklung.Took the bus with benedine also cause she was meeting rachie.Yups.Stopped at bedok int.Splitted with ben after she meet rach.Crapped with debs in the trainels.But more to the serious talk about friends and stuff.Sigh.Everyone just changes.Hmm.Stopped at heeren.Down down down to far east intially but debbie being the laziest as ever was tired.Hah.Maccies at lucky plaza.Talk talk somemore.Down to far east next.Prints for us.And those cute starbucks guys are just not there.I'm jinxed.Hehhh.Walked ard.Wanted to see belts but couldn't find the shop.Heh.I being the smart one said it was near the escalator but it wasn't even near.Those with the spikes are like weapons for punksai's.Haha.We just crapped so much.Hmm.The belts are so expensive.=( Sponser anyone? Hahaha.Met up rach,ben,feli,sharon,mel.They too wanted to take prints but we didn't.Haha.Did something really stupid.HAH.

then i did
not know muni was on the escalator.
all i know she grabbed my hand
then suddenly
saw rachie they all laughing at muni
so i looked
hahahaha.and there was muni struggling
to climb up the escalator pulling my hand at the same time
cos the escalator was going down.
haha.silly muni.=X.yea.

As quoted by deb.Hahah.Fine la.I was dumb.Borders for us.Listened to the cds.The scanning this just don't like me.Haha.Yups.Off to starbucks to drink rhumba.wo0o.Heh.Then it rained rained! Heh.We got a little wet.Took the underpass to orchard mrt.Walk walk walk.Saw nemoooo! Ahh.He's cute.I like i like i like.Then debs bumed into an ah beng selling the 2buckers ticket.He's damn irratating.He wouldn't let us go unless we bought.Before we could even take out money he already tear the ticket.Waddahell?! Then he whisper whisper say we got no money still can go orchard.Pardon me but we don't need money just to go town.He's full of crap la that bugger.Went home home after that.

Uploaded so many many many pictures that i kept.So lazy to upload.Heh.But but but today muni not lazy.Muni uploaded all the pictures she got.Added some in prints and added sum41 and saxophone section.Haha.Yups.Tomorrow going to hai sing.Heh.Never tell my daddy yet.He's just gonna asked 378391038202questions please.Next week he's flying to jakarta.Yayness for me.=) Late nights for me.=) I'm paranoid.Thinking about everything that had happened.So many thoughts going thru' this thick skull of mine.Maybe it's me.But i'm trying my best to forget everything.Including you.Everything is slowly fading away.

Loss of a good friend best of intentions I found
Tight lipped procrastination
Yeah later, see you around.