Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Thursday, November 27, 2003

Hey.Hah.So fast it's 1am.Supposed to be tucked in bed but i can't get to sleep.Thinking too much i guess.Yups.There's so much thing i wana say but i duno how to say it.And especially in this blog.Hah.Ohh.Debbie ah.Sorry for making you wait la.Hah.It was only an 1hr.Hurr.I'll treat you something.Hehh.=) Hmmm...Not many people came anyways.Slept for awhile just now.Yups.

Hildya came just now.Had a good chat with her.What she said did go into my head.Heh.I guess there's no secrets between us.=) Am glad that we're close.At least i can confide in her.Yups.Hmm.I'm hurt.Emotionally.I dunno what to feel.Was trying to act hero and not feel hurt but i guess i couldn't take it.Bahh.Crap.Taking Back Sunday just rocks.Hahh.And that bass fella looks like seth green.Hehh.There's nothing more to say.

I wanna hate you so bad
But I can't stop this
Anymore than you can