There is hope for us,
There are constants that we can't define.
Heys.Pass few days have been..dull.School seems lifeless.Monday wasn't a good day.Assemble in the hall.Mr Lim cannot do public speaking for crying out loud.He is horrible but i guess we should give him some credit for standing on stage and humiliating himself.Heh.Watched Princess Diaries after that.Hee.Mr rooney.=) Social studies,recess and then accounts.
Whole school called to the hall.Finally they broke the news.Our dearest teacher passed away.Pretty sad for everyone.Some cried,some shocked.Kinda expected it.Not in a bad way.He's not suffering from all the pain already.Went back to class for emergency home room.We sat in class from 1245pm-0145pm.Miss lim cried.Some others did too.Although none of us got him for PE,he was still dearly to everyone.No one is gonna stop us from wearing our shorts low now.Sigh.St.Anthony's Canossian Secondary is much more different without him.
Yesterday was tiring.Hah.Study,study,study the whole day.After school,headed to the airport with Jo,Sharifah,Fel,Sa.Hahah.Had fun in the train.Lisa was being such a retard okays.Spasm child.Heh.Took the skytrain to Terminal1.Foodcourt for lunch and then Bk to study.Did quite abit ah.Went home at 0600pm and i was on the phone with Mr indie loner boy.TEEHEE.
Wahh.Today morning was horrible! Had this terrible stomachache.Heh.Went to the toilet like 32943times.Hahaha.Spot test for accounts.Capital vs Revenue expenditure.Cme was fun but i didn't participate cos' of the tummy.We had to come up with a country with the prime minister and all.Haha.I'm in the Ministry of Arts.HOHO.Pc was free periods for the malay girls.Went down to study but we ended up talking about after N's.Heh.Did crossword puzzle for english.So difficult.Hah.It's to widen our very limited vocabulary.Hehh.Whitesands after school and home!
Dani's got this student awarenese thingy at school and she asked us wheather we would wanna jam at her school.Like gig.Hah.Auditions next week.Super.Can't wait,can't wait.Prelims are next week.Fast ahh.Haha.Ohh.I chopped my hair on monday so it's shorter now.Hehh.And daddy promise me my emo specs at the end of the month.Anticipation.Till then,ltrs.
Sammy and Me with shorter hair and emo specs.=)

Only the end of the red will show you my blueside
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