Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Tuesday, January 20, 2004

Best i ever had.

Heys.Hah.School was okays.Dunno.Was just looking forward to it.Haha.Woke up late.Kinda lazy to drag my ass outta bed but i did.Haha.Joycelyn came to talk to me today about what happened yesterday.I guess charlene must have told her.Bahh.Dunno ah.Barry i love you.Hah.That's why i'm gonna be stuck with you.I'm not gonna let tiff or yong cai play.Haha.Those 2 monkeys.Ahaha.

Homeroom was lame.Haha.They gave us some internet form shit? Hah.Pe was okays.Did the normal sprinting and we played rats and rabbits.Ahaha.Had geog next.Did the homework so i was being smart.All my answers all wrong.What sia.Haha.Recess.Didn't see Ms SLIPKNOT today.She changed her shoes.Hah.Bio was okays today.Wasn't really tiring.Heh.She didnt pick on me and debs.=) Malay was all right.Hahaha.Being in a small class is fun.Hurr.Social studies boring i swear.We were watching this tape about POLITICS.Me and debbie laughing so hard cause it was professor singh.Haha.And his hand gestures were so funny.Hah.Lisa was sleeping.Haha.Poos child.Sleeping alone.=/.Hahahaha.But sa was abit dumb.She forgot that she wrote on her hand.So the ink from her hand all landed on her cheeks.Hahahaha.Was laughing damn hard.But nevermind,i still love her.=))

Accounts was okays.Understand abit? Was asking karen.Hah.Test next week.Nooooooooo! Hurr.Hmm.Was suppose to go to gelare at siglap but we changed our mind and headed towards town to see KHAI!! Ahhhh!! So we went.So happy you know.Thought could see him but but but!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! Ahhh.Why KHAI! WHY?! Hurr.So we went to gelare to have waffles.=) Walked around and we bump into chua and his botak friend.Hah.Debbie was like.'MUNI! CHUA!!' Hah.Yeaa.We walked past starbucks like 1983362829times.He's friend notice.Then he went to go tell the other fella!! Then the guy smiled at us.Ahhhaa.Called karen to sponser us.She bought some cheesecake.Then debbie was asking the fella.

Deb:Excuse me,is khai working today?
Fella:Ya.At 6.Err but which khai? Khairul or khairi
Deb:There's 2 khai? Huh?
Fella:Ya.Their twins.
Fella:Ya.But khairi doesn't work often.

OHHH! THEY ARE TWINS!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.Haahha.Okok.Muni happy.=)) I'm so happy.Hurr.I made a song out of KHAI somemore.Not the khai my ai ai.Hahaa.Yea.Anyways.Yea.He's working now!! Ahhh.Yea.Left town at around 4.45.Debbie couldn't go wandering around.Haha.Yea.Met sharifah and karen at city hall.Deb down there telling me about chua.Hah.CHUA AH CHUA.Hur.And she gave me that face.Haha.Hmm.Yea.Train was packed like anything.There was this 3 raffles girls.One of them looked like Mrs boo.Hah.Another one cannot tie her hair properly cause it was falling all over her face and the last one was thiking that she was miss intelligent.Ugh.I hate the intelligent one.When she talks,she gives you the tone that as if she knows SO many things.Rahh.Padahal only sec 1s.Puny kids.Whatever to them.Hurr.

Yea.Just got home.My brother's coming home today.NOOOOOO.Hahaha.There's gonna be squabbling tonight.Hurr.Sigh.I'm pennyless.Topped up my card just now.Have no more money left.Argh.Where's money when i need it.Hurr.I still can't find 100bucks from my hari raye packets.Screw la.I'm dead.Rahhh.Saw firdaus just now.Ahahaha.I remember him! Hah.I remember alot of people espeacially KHAI! AHHH.Actaully i dunno wheather he's Khairul or Khairil.I think he's Khairul? Hahhahaha.One's with spikey hair and the other has hair that falls on his face.AHHH! hurr.

Okok.Think i'm gonna go slack around now.Hahh.Tomorrow half day.Yay! Gonna go town again.Sa gonna find her anniversary gift? And me and sam are just tagging along? Don't really know the plans yet.Haha.Yea.Bahh.My dad just told me that my mum may have to go for an operation.Damn.Like i said before.everything is going wrong.Anyways,ltrs.

//Let me take this awkward saw
And run it against your thighs

Cut some flesh away
I'll carry this piece of you with me
Because all I can say tonight
is that I hate you

But it would be all right
If we could see each other sometime
If I could somehow make you mine

And if not I'll take my rusty spoons
And dig out your blue eyes
I'll swallow them down to my colon
They're gonna burn like hell tonight
Because you're beautiful
Just not on the inside

Light comes from within
And your beaming eyes don't seem so bright
My heart is on the floor
Why don't you step on it?
When I think of all the things you've done

Boardwalks and breaking waves
Made our Saturdays
I'd buy you lemonade right now
if you were here
But then I'd throw it in your face
And I'd listen to you cry
And I'd remember how I miss
our nights under ocean skies
You and I are like when fire
and the ocean floor collide

-Rocks Tonic Juice Magic]]Saves the day

i hope to lose myself for good
i hope to find it in the end not in me,in You