Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Thursday, February 05, 2004

I'm seein red,don't think you'll have to see my face again.

Heys.Been lazy to type.Haha.Yea.Hmm.Bio test was kinda shitty cause obviously i didnt study.Heh.I don't give a fuck or 2 about bio.Screw.Actually i think it was kinda easy if i did study la.Heh.Yeps.Yesterday jamming for that jive station shit was the worst.I think we just made ourselves the laughing stalk.Heh.All the technical faults and we were being blamed for everything.Lisa also kena cause she had stage fright and she was head of publicity.Heh.Poor child.The amps were the lousiest.Then i had to sing.Oh my.My voice was fucking shitty i swear.Hahaha.Fine la.I don't have a good voice.Heh.

Stayed back to crap and pratice abit.Home with sam.Ya.Received our test paper back yesterday.Not really happy with the marks.9/20.Had so many careless mistake!! 2 infact.Mrs tay was being such a meanie and wouldn't pass me.Everytime like that.Had my father to sign it and he was going about how easy it was and that it was sec1 work.Pls.Sec1 we didnt even learn cos or sin.Wanna rubbish with me.Then he talked about my brother and stuff.Whatever la.BIAS!

Today morning was in such a bad mood cause i didn' complete any of my homework.Left my brody file in school.Shit ass.Hah.All my notes and paper all there.Copied social studies and geog while waiting for the bell to ring ring.Yea.Had a mock open book test just now.Didn't finish all the questions.Think i'm gonna just fail it.Alamak die ahh.Heh.Yeps.Physics was such a pain in the ass i swear.That Mrs boo.Fucker la that one.She picked on me.I never even talk say i talk.Rubbish crap.She should just shut her trapt.Ugh.What is wrong with society these days.

Maths was okays.Was laughing and laughing cause DEVI think she pro artist wanna draw drums.She even drew syahm.Hahaha.Wht sia.Then accounts.I lost my text.Noooooooooooo!!!!!! My text,my text! Forgot wheather i brought it home on tuesday.Then now all don't have.Alamak.My text!! Got so many things inside.All my notes.I don't wanna buy a new one.*screams.MY TEXT.The art of misplacing your accounts text.This is gay.Bahhh.Ended school and stuff.Chatted with the rest after class.Met lisa doing the radio station.Hahaha.All the lisa lover's attacking.Hurr.Got one,'Lisa,what do you want on valentines? From-Mystery' Hahahhaha.Lisa wants money just like honey.Hehhh.Then there was one,'Lisa,I wanna be your valentine From-She bangs' HAHAHA.Lisa that's our secret eh? HAHAH.She bangs! She bangs.I love lisa fans.

Jamming for us.=) Today's jamming was the best of all.Ahhh.Hahaha.Just wanna scream out loud cause it was really good with out HONKY drummer danielle.Heh.Had to force her to come and play.Hahaha.Yea.We covered wherever you will go,story so far,everywhere.Hahah.And of course hitchin' a ride.Hahaha.Sang today.Heh.No handsomes today.Debbie wanted to make friends with these ugly rancid guy! EEEE.So disgusting.Think he damn cool.All of them wanted to come into the room and sit with us.NOOOOO.Haha.Yea.Walked home with danielle after that cause we missed the bus.She didn't run like the wind! Hah.Yeps.

My dad ask me to go to the body world exhibition with him tomorrow.Hahaha.Said i went already.Then told him i had concert to go to.Hahah.He didn't say anything.That means a yes.Hurr.Yeaaa.Now i'm not excited about saturday.Hahaha.But we still get to spend the day TOGETHER.Hurr.Oh no oh no.English compo to do.Gego test tmr.Chap 6 and 7.So many things to do.So little time.Yeah yeah oh no.Ltrs.

And what you said now,
Can't stop the words from running through my head