Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Monday, August 09, 2004

And I heard you tell all your friends,
That you couldn't wait 'til it's through.

*AntiFlag-A new kind of army.

Heys.Pffrt.Something's wrong with blogger la.My entries are all in chuncks.Hehhh.Anyways,it's been awhile since i blogged.Too lazy/busy with stuff.Haha.With what,i have no idea.But i've been pretty tired lately.Hehh.

Hmm..National Day Celebration this year was kinda dull and mudane.Wasn't really a celebration.The band didn't even play.Just normal marching in the hall and then we sang all the songs.Talk about being patriotic.Hehh.The 2nd half of it was memorial service.They showed slide shows on Mr Quah and all.Then they read this poem 'The dash'.I cried.PFFRT! Hah.Was all sad la.After the service went to go spray my shirt.Yellow checks.Hehhh.Thanks DENISE!

Bras basar,orchard mrt to meet Mr indie boy,lucky plaza to eat,far east and then heeren.Thought i'd never go to heeren again but we did.Hah.I think they're trying to commercialise punkrock or something.All the warped tour cds were on the recomended rack along with matchbook romance,from autumn to ashes,taking back sunday,A7x and more.Just walked away uh.Haha.Went to cine after that.Goodness.Filled with school kids.PLENTY ah.Walked to taka to find diaries.Didn't get far.Then headed back to far east.

Was resting our feets when we got there and we got free mocha frap somemore uh! Haha.Didn't spend a cent on starbucks.Hurr.Then boy came to work.Friendly fella.Haha.Then 'hey! mr bassist look at me!' was working too.So we went out to fag.Hahh.And debbie has the most lousiest lighter.So we ask one of the twins.Hoho.Bliss.Met adi after that.Haha.We were stealing his badges.And he noticed! Damnation.Wait till wednesday,gonna get a badge maker.Can't wait,can't wait! Hah.Went home after that.

Saturday was boring.All i had was tuition.Heh.Glued myself to the computer and teevee for the rest of the day.And prelims is just few days away.Slap me please.Hah.Yesterday went for jamming.Me,deb,ben.Played russian roulette.Guess it was quite okay la.Abit productive? Haha.Just that i didn't sing properly.Heh.Went back to debbie's to slack.Watched cartoons.Hah.Went up to her room and crap around.Read the rasta book.Hahahah.SUPER funny.Brought it home.Was asking people wheather they wanted to watch fireworks,finally got veron.Hah.Went to her place for dinner.

We brought lisa(ron's sister) along.Hah.Just bitching in the train.Hoho.We couldn't even walk through city hall.So crowded i swear.Walk thru' the cathedral and thru' memo.I think we missed the fireworks.Hah.And there was so much ching chongs.Think they had some concert.Hah.Walk to the end of the river.Hahaha.There was this couple.They were getting on it sia.The guy's hand was in her skirt.PFFRT! I mean get some secluded place la.Strolled back and went home after that.

Suppose to have tuition but my cousin cancelled it.Hah.Super tired.Auditions next week.Not even prepared.Bleahs.Prelims also.All not prepared.Grr,I CANNOT stand superficial people! Why are they acting so fake?! UGH.It's annoying with a capital A.Anyways,I dreamt about the boys last night.Hehh.Eventhough everything is gone,memories they'll keep.Ltrs.

When you get bored waiting for trains.

And those angry hands,they won't understand