Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Thursday, August 26, 2004

I'm stuck in ways of sadistic joy,
And my talent only goes as far as to annoy.

*Incubus-The warmth.

Hello wello! Prelims have just been oh so bad.I don't think i'm gonna pass 3 subjects.HEH! My mum has been really annoyning and irratating.Oh god.I wish i could just slap her.Argh! Past few days we have been helping nihaad with the gig.Finding for venues.Hah.From polys to parks to NUS.Hope we'll get republic poly.Well,had accounts2 on tuesday.Just terrible.Hah.Everything was just wrong.Went for jamming after that.It was bad alright.But we had fun in the room.Honeystarrs are a must have in the room now.

Yesterday had geography elective.I actually studied! Hah.But i didn't complete section A due to time constrains.I spent like more than 30mins on section B cos' the allocation of marks was more.Heh.And i just wrote crap.There goes humanities.Went home straight after.My mum nagged at me cos i didn't finish the paper. @^&##$#! Ohh! I passed my malay ah!! GOOD AH! I don't think it's a c5.Hahah.A grade higher.Better than nothing! Nyenyenye!


Sammy's birthday today! Hahah.Wished her at 1200a, yesterday ah! Hah.Anyways,had maths paper 1+2 today.Paper 1 was such a kinda difficult.Paper 2 was okays.But i lost 5marks cos' i didn't do one question.Stupid drawings.Hah.Went to sammy's house after the paper.Sam,rach,tan,deb,sa,fel,lin,geri.Haha.We had lunch there and we took lots of photo.Haha.We were trying to pose differently.Madness.Hurr.Watch teevee and then slacked.Haha.Oh,we had brownies too.Sam! Hope you like your present.Espeacially squeky.Hee.I love all of them to the tiniest bits.=)

Next tuesday we'll be going for dinner at fisherman's village.With the most beloved,CLLS! How i love them all! Might be tonning too.Hah.And on wednesday me and tanya are going on our photography quest.Gonna take photos.Not sure where.Anybody else who would wanna join us,please tag the board or text my phone.The more,the better! I hope my 128mb memory card may work by then.

Accounts1 tommorrow.Why bother?.Gonna trim my back tomorrow.Hope it'll turn out fine.Last paper on monday.Bio/physics.Yay yay yay! Oh wait,N' level starts the week after that.Crap.Hehh.Ltrs.

Help me to dream these dreams because I don't have a clue