Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Saturday, September 18, 2004

I'm the little girl at the picnic,
Who won't stop pulling her dress up.


Dear diary,
It's a saturday today.
I spent my whole day at home.
Because my exams are coming and i HAVE TO study.
I didn't get really far today becos' i was tempted by the bed.
There's a gig today at yishun park.
No,no.No more gigs till' i finish the exams!

And so i cannot go anywhere because of the stupid N's.I just wanna get it over and done with and get promoted to 5n.Pffrt! Meeting with Ms chua was okays.Just like the last time.'You girls are smart but just..extreamly LAZY'.Okays,POINT TAKEN! Had to come up with an action plan and all that.And i studied for the whole week.Haven't been going out.It's always school or home.GOOD AH!

The lower secs these days are becoming such bitches.Few days ago,some girl.Supposedly,an AH LIAN,came up to my class to find for my classmate.Poor classmate of mine was traumatized.DIE BITCH DIE! And she was the one looking for trouble.Who stared at us first? SHE.And she tried to bang me when i walking.What's up with that? Biatch.I wish i could slap her.Just because she has friends outside or what not,doesnt make her oh so high and mighty.RIOT GRRL AH.SHE DIE! and talk about yaya rockstars.Just because you are organising a gig,you don't have to show an attitude.If you don't want us to play,just say so.Bands PAY to PLAY.I'm still considering eventhough i said yes.WHY IS EVERYONE ACTING ALL HIGH AND MIGHTY!? Oh well,whatever!

Lets go be riot grrls.24th september coming.IT'S COMING! Ltrs.

we're not out,we're not in,we're not comfortable,we just don't fit in