Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Friday, January 23, 2004

Another year off the streets.

Heys.Hmm.Nothing much happened yesterday cause i spent most of time just lazying around at home thinking and thinking and eating and sleeping.My dad was irratatting the hell outta me.Ugh.He was like waking me up at 12.30.Hurr.Okay la.I know it's late but like! Waddahell.i still feel tired.Slept late the night before.So yea.

Was on the phone with debs yesterday.She forever muni me then say chua chua.What sia.Hurr.Yea.Then was talking to this fella called khai but he wasn't the starbucks khai.Hah.I didn't feel like talking about khai the starbucks guy.I dunno.Don't like him anymore.Heh.Dunno ah.Dunno dunno.Anyways talked to khai till 4.Then off to bed.

Woke up early today just to make breakfast for myself since the rest didn't want to taste my cooking.Heh.Yea.Headed to debbie's house at 2.Was suppose to meet tanya but that girl wanted to stop at mal's place first so i went on my on.Yea.Just slacked around and did nothing.Played with the guitar.Haha.Doug was like playing the guitar for us.Hurr.Tanya,denise,mal and see kee came after that.All of us was just slacking around.See kee left for work.

We all were playing i never.Hahaha.What sia the game.Hurr.Hmm.Yea.Like that la.All the way slacking around.Haha.Mal's skirt was the best la.Damn short i swear.Hurr.Mal you too tall la.Haha.Then tanya so dumb.Hahaha.We were watching tele at her mum's room then tanya wanted to see the view la cause we could see tm.Haha.Then tanya thinks that the window was open.Hahaha.Then she hit her head on the window.HAHA.That was super dumb.Wonder why we didn't caught it on the cameo.Hurr.Yea.Debbie has a chikoo uncle.Hahaha.He was smiling at us when we were lying ard at the bed.Waddahell?! Hurr.Yea.Went home at 6.Yeps.Had fun la.Bbq at my house now.My cousins are all here.Hurr.She cries when i carry her.Heh.Yea.Feeling very drained out.

Dunno wheather i can go out tmr.Suppose to follow debbie go buy belt and black shoes.Haha.Yea.Told my mum but she ask me to ask my dad.Haha.Going to tell him i'm heading to lisa's house for open house.Hah.And it's like all the way at hougang.Heh.Thats far but who cares.Yea.Townning tomorrow.With no money! and no bus fare.Kill me please.I need money desperately.Haha.I wanna get shoes too.And a belt and earings and my sex bands.Hah.Gave 4 away today.2 to mal and 2 to denise.Hurr.I'm left with 8 now.Hehh.

Ohh.I wanna get a lip piercing.Initially.Then then then.Hahah.I was thinking how the hell am i to blow my sax if i'm gonna pierce it.Hur.Yeaa.Was telling veron that i like guys with eyebrown rings.Haha.Get an eyebrown ring and i'll like you even more.=) Heh.Yeaa.Hmm.Seekee was asking me today.What's the relation ship between you 2? Hah.Then i was like.Just friends what.Okok.The thing is now i dunno what those 2 have been saying to each other.So i can't solve it yet? Yea.Cause i dunno what she told you.Or what you told her.Dunno ah.Hurr.

Hmm.I hate the way you mock at me.Seriously,that day i was pissed.Seriously khai is just a starbucks guy and he his way out of my league.I mean you are too la.But.Aiyah.Its just so hard to say la.The feeling i have khai and you is so much different.Khai is just a crush.You..obviously more than a crush.Bahh.Why like that.WHY.Now i'm paranoid.Shut up la muni.Hurr

Okokok.Fine la.We'll just see what happens la.SIGH.Emo emo emo.The whole feeling is just super,ultra crappy la.Ahh.I have a friend.He just broke up with his girlfriend for more than 4years.She left him cause she went for someone who is better looking and cause she was sick and bored of all his crap.And they planned their engagement this year.Sad ah.Hmm.Hah.Commitment.So hard.I hope i'm not like that.Yes,first impression do counts.But one shouldn't be that shallow right.I don't wanna be like that.I feel so sad for him.Why why why.

i know im bragging around but yea.I still feel so sad for that fella.Hah.Anyways,ltrs.

//I am vision
I am justice
Never thought that I could love
Living in shadows
Fading existence
It was never good enough
Within the darkness
You are the light that shines the way
All trapped in violence
I can be the girl who saves the day

I'm there for you
No matter what
I'm there for you
Never giving up
I'm there for you
For You

Someone's changed me
Something saved me

And this is who I am
Although I was blinded
My heart let me find out
That truth makes a better man
I didn't notice
That you were right in front of me
Our mask of silence
Were put away so we can see

I'm there for you
No matter what
I'm there for you
Never giving up
I'm there for you
For You

Within the darkness
You are the light that shines the way
In this blind justice
I can be that man who saves the day

I'm there for you
No matter what
I'm there for you
Never giving up
you know it's true
You were there for me
And I'm there for you
For you
For you

For you//


So once again I swim In Reverie
without your love