Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Monday, February 16, 2004

Angel with a pint glass.

Heys.Bahhh.Not a good monday today i swear.Hah.I got my voice back! That's one thing good.Hurr.Yea.So was shouting around in class just now.Heh.Was intending to go for band but was still having cough.It got really bad during accounts.Haha.Everyone was just like turning and asking if i was okays.Hahaha.Have yet to recieve malay standard test back.So scared that i'm gonna flunk.Cme was kinda fun.Got project to do.Group up with sam,sa,karen and debs.Heh.Was smsing the whole time.Yeps

Maths standard test.The luck didn't came when i needed it.Ughhh.Was all stress up and today was yes,a bad hair day.Haha.I could have pulled all my hair out thinking for the answer.So once again,i'm gonna fail.Good luck to you and your report card on friday.And i want to go to lasalle on saturday.=/.In dipshit please. Yea.Met veron and headed down to tampines after that.Now i'm sneezing all over.My immunity system is failing me.Just what i need.Ughhh.No homework done today.Just feeling too sick to do anything.

Dad's home.He bought me some vietnemese clothes? Hah.Yea.I think i look spastic in them.=| That's being a lil' mean of me.Heh.The pants so long.Oh myy.Gotta go get it altered along with my jeans which is really tattered and torn.Hehh.Go tapper it.Then i can join the group of minahs and mats.HURR.Just whatever to me i know.Haha.Okays.Jillian sent me this so i thought i'd put it here.

1.Have you ever been in love? NAH.Love? More like infactuation.Heh

2.How do you know it's love? Dunno.Have yet to feel it.

3.What makes you fall in love? Personality.

4.What if your girlfriend/boyfriend is a bad kisser? Ahaha.Who the hell cares?!.

5.What turns you on (at 1st sight)? Hair that falls on his face and eyebrown rings/lip piercings.

6.Are you the jealous type? Depends.Most of the time yes.Who wouldn't.

7.Body or brains? Both can? =)

8.Do looks matter? I guess not.

9.What turns you off? Those who think their some big fuck.

10.The perfect date? Dinner under the stars.=)

11.What do you have that will make a person fall for u? Haha.Dunno.My lamility? HURR.

12.Do you still believe in courtship? I dunno.Maybe.

13.Flowers or chocolates?? Both can? Hehh.

14.Kiss on the first date? Yeps.

15.Sex on the first date? Hahh.No sex before marriage la.

16.What would you do if you find out that your girlfriend/ boyfriend is cheating on you? HAH.Make he regret it.Hur.

17.Have you ever cheated on someone? NAH.Haha.I'm not THOSE sort ok.

18.Flirting or long term relationship? Both can? Hehhh.

19.What do you think of holding hands in public? Hold la.

20.What do you think of kissing in public? Hehh.Abit ewwwey.Hur.

21.What if your girlfriend/boyfriend is a smoker? Smoke la.Hurr.I love him for who he is.

22. in love with a friend of the same sex? Nahhh.

23. What would a guy/girl do to win your heart? Dunnnoooo.How would i know.

24. Will you sacrifice for your boyfriend/girlfriend? Depends on how the situation is.Heh.

I think i'd make a bad girlfriend.Hahaha.Everything also want.Chocolates and flowers.Hehh.Tuesday tomorrow.Gelare day.Dunno wheather debbie wanna go.She wanna go starbucks.Hehh.Okok.I shall go do my STUDY plan now.Oh yea.Enjoyed my time today.But when it is gonna be our last? Like you said,we must have our limits.And like i said i don't think my feelings for you are really that strong already.I know i'm fickled but after thinking,i think its fading.For real.Ltrs.

//I know they say that love hurts, but you didnt have to hurt me,
I would have taken your word for it, I trusted you completely.
I got your number in my pocket, I could give you a call,
The only problem with that plan is I dont like you at all.

So now I'm sitting home and watching rain go down my window pane,
I wish I'd never got the courage up to go ask you your name.
And now im sitting home and watching rain go down my window pane,
You helped me get into this mess so won't you help me out again?//

Something that youve said.
Made her want you dead.