Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Globes and Maps.

Heys.Sorry for the lazyness yesterday.Just wasn't in the mood to type much.Heh.Yuppers.Tuesday.Thought it was going to be a good day but i was so wrong.Hah.Pe first was okays until amanda sat on my toes.Ughh.I shall not go on about how heavy she was.During english we changed sits.Nooooooo! Debbie's not with me anymore.DEVI.She's a table across me now.Same as sammy.Eelynn's beside me now.Feeling kinda smart now.Maybe she's my motivation.Hahah.=) Actually,i hope she's my motivation.Heh.Nic's infront of me now.Yay! Heehaw.

Bio bio bio.Failed the test again.What's new.Could have gotten a 10.But i scored a 9 due to a careless mistake.I know it wouldn't really make me pass cause' the test was over 22.Heh.Yea.Social studies was okay.We had confrontation session.Hehh.Copied some notes and bell rang and all.Accounts.Learn some new shit.Hah.Correcting some error crap.I swear i do not understand what that women is constantly yakking about.Asked eelynn to teached me and i understood abit.

Went to go talk to debbie after class.Trashed things out with her.Yea.I feel kinda lousy.Dunno how to tell her to stop.Tried telling her and stopping her but she wouldn't listen.She's just contridicting.Saying one thing and doing another.Sigh.Yea.Met sa after that and had lunch with her,nic and alison while waiting for joanna,deb,sam.Deb and sam came over to my place with the intention of doing bio but we ended up going online and looking at people's picture.Hahah.Yea.They left at 05.30pm.

Haven't done my bio yet.At least it's halfway done la.Heh.Suppose to go galare today but cause my dad was giving me a fucking attitude in the morning,decided not too.Silly old man.He's going to vietnam tomorrow.Wooooowheeeeeeee.=) Happy wappy i hope i'm not going to get sappy.Hehh.Yea.Dunno when's my mum gonna come home.Bahh.Don't think i'll be going out this valentine's.Been going out alot lately.Furthermore,hoping that i can go to that lasalle open house thing.=) Heh.And nanyang poly is this thursday.And temasek this friday.Hahh.Getting sick soon.Cough cough cough.

Yea.Been blog-hopping and stuff.Bahh.I hate people who thinks they know shit about anything.So i'm PUNK cause i listen to simple plan and good charlottle.*roll eyes.It'll be mean if i'm gonna pin-point who is it.But yea.And she scolds cheryl for the mistakes she makes during band.Shameless brat please.The lower secs are so much different from my time.I didn't even there talk to my senior cause i was scared i'd disrespect them or something.Bahhh.Lucky i have cute lil' juniors this years.She's so cute! Reminds me of steph.=) Hahh.

Hmm.Is sat still comfirmed? I mean 21st.Msg me or something okays?.Yeps.Are you confused? Cause that day you really did looked confused.If we want it to stop then i think maybe we should just stop meeting each other for sometime.Everything will slowly fade off like that.Yeps.Ltrs.

Here's a thought, if you're willing to listen. I only tell the
truth of the feelings I'm given.