Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Sunday, February 15, 2004

The pianist peddled into morning.

Heys.Hmm.Haven't been updating.Hurr.Yea.Happy valentine's day! =) Had alot of stuff on friday.Thanks for giving yea? You all should know who you are.I was pathetic.No money to even buy a single gifts.I owe people money.Sigh.I want a plastic card now.Bluekk.Yeps.I'll try to recall what happened these few days.

Friday.Had SOP in the morning.Heh.Kinda okays la.Lost my voice so half the time i couldn't make up what i was saying.Heh.My ears got blocked too.Yea.Didn't go for band cause i couldn't blow.Went to temasek poly open house instead.It was okay la.Alvin was our so called your guide.Lousy guide actaully.Heh.Met raodah and mad after that.Slacked arounda and went home aound six.Docs for me at night.Down with throat infection.Sighhh.Now i can't sing.Kinda sad okay.=(

Yestersay.Valentine's day.Hurr.Spent half of my dad eating and sleeping.Woke up and got ready to meet debbie.Yeps.Trained down to orchard.Many couples around.Heh.Went down to far east to get my starry earrings.Contented with it.Thanks debbie! =) Had burger king for dinner.Freeloader today sia.Hehh.Headed to cine after that.Was suppose to meet max but dunno what happened to that shorty.Hehh.Went outside to slack around.Hahaha.We met felicia after that.I down there asking her to lend me money.Hurr.SO that i can go to starbucks and see khairul.Hehh.Meanie pooo.

Walked all the way back.We saw khairi at lucky plaza with his group of friends.Ahhhh.*faints.Debs went to go call him and stuff.We wanted to take picture TOGETHER.But but but.haha.We didn't think of that earlier.Yea.He's heading towards raffles.=) Ohh.Khai.Yea he has bloodshot eyes.Who cares please.

Went to starbucks far east.Yea.Ordered from khairul.*Beams.Hehh.He's cute i swear.But,alamak he has a girlfrined.Just whatever.Hurr.Yea.He touched my hand debs.HURR.Yea.Played with the camera after that.We took his photo! But some girl blocked like 3quater of his face.Damn her! Haha.Uploaded them already.Go search around.Yups.We saw Mogan after that.Debbie down there think she damn cool you know.Say wanna pay him if he took a picture of both khais.Hahaha.What sia.They should get eyebrown rings!! =)) That'll make me happy happy.Heehaw.Saw imran also.Heh.Went home after that.

Class tomorrow.Don't feel like going.Argh.Whatever.Still have homework to do and stuff to make.Sigh.Felt kinda sad seeing everyone attached.Even the person you like is attached.Ahhhhhh.Crap crap crap.Hmm.Anyways,Wednesday comfirm yea? Msg me or something.Ltrs.

oh nooooo! He got blocked!!

you ripped my heart out of my then you put it back