Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Tuesday, February 17, 2004

Talk Shows On Mute.

Heys.Hmm.Days' been cold lately.Been really sick.Started sneezing in the morning.Still coughing.Bleahs.Skipped pe today.Felt like sneezing into everyone's face.Heh.Hurr.During english we had to write a love letter.Us posing as David Beckham.Hah.We were writting to Victoria Adams.Hehh.Then i had this pain in my tummy.I swear it was bloody hell killing me.Lasted the whole day you know.Pms? Nah.Pms hangover.Mahaha.And yes,i'm learning a third language.Tamil.I have to roll my tongue.RRRRRoLLLeRRRRcoasteRRR.Ok.Shut up already muni.

Debbie skipped tutorial so we headed to town.No khai today.Think he's working night shift.Heh.We had gelare though.Cookie dough ice cream.=)) Walked around and i had laksa after that.Down to cine to meet max after that.Heh.Mr Cammy wammy shaved his mohawk.Debbie keeps on thinking that he was a skinhead.Hah.But Nahhh.He's not Moby.Hurr.Went back after that.

Debbie kept on calling me a bitch? What sia.Heh.She la.Went to say that these kids infront of us were monekys.I mean ya la.They kinda resemble monkeys.Haha.I shall not start.Hehh.My mum was kinda pissed cause i came home late.Right.She should just go sleep and watch tele.Grrr.

We're gonna play for the school tomorrow.Heh.I don't feel the thrill.Yea,maybe the thrill of embarassing myself.Haha.And i can't sing cause of my cough.Thanks to the laksa.Yea.Hope i get my voice back overnight.Heeehaww.I got myself a care bear.WooooowhEeee.Hug em' hug em' hug a care bear.Yes,i'll hug it.

Ughh.Just had dinner with my parents.I just hate it when they do all the pep talk.It's kinda irratating.Like come on,we're eating here and they have to like squabble.And they were showing about some sec2 guys having some porn vcds shit.My dad was like,'girl..listen ah'.Now,why would i bring porn to school? Then they were saying about embarassing the parents and blah blah all the crap.I was too lazy to entertain them.Again,i hate being told what to do.The more they tell me and keep on forcing,the more i won't listen.I'll do it on my own.

Hmm.i guess from this part on,it's gonna be real intimate and emo-ish.Since it's my blog,i'll write how i feel.Yeps.It's always the case where you have to make a decision.The wrong thing or right.You know you're in the wrong but you still can't help yourself.Yes,that's being really selfish of me.Just caught in between of things.And yea.I end up feeling guilty and shitty.All the time.Cause after everything is done.i realise that i was wrong.Crap.It's just you,me and the ultimate feeling.

I remember myself saying last time that i wanna die,i wanna die but now,i feel good feeling alive.Yes,there's alot of things that i hate around me but isn't that parts and parcels of life? Read about a girl's boyfriend being in an accident.He passed away after that.I think that kinda hit me and ponder awhile.So,i'm grateful that i'm alive and kicking today.And i'm gonna make every single day of my life worthwhile.Yea.Anyways,have my maths to do.And tomorrow i'll see you again.Ltrs.

//The fact that you,
You think you can
Speak to me
The way you do
Bleeds me to believe that you
Have never stepped out of the skin you live within

But when, and if
This day occurs
Your tongue, the taste
Will immitate a battery
The anti-equilibrium
Your stomach becomes the floor

The look on your face was priceless//

Please end this, please end this
Before this ends us, ends us