Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Monday, March 01, 2004

Covered with ants.

Heys.Hmm.Been quite some time since i update.Heh.Been lazy and tired.Hmm.What's new.Been on a phone marathon for 3 days straight.Hah.Friday,Jamal.Cousin's 21st was okays.She looked great and the venue was perfect.Good view of Marina.Yeps.Called Rese up after that.Hogged till 430am.Had a few hours of sleep and woke up for class.Yeps.Yesterday night was on the phone with Jamal.Haha.=))

Canossian Saints' day today.Half day.WoowHee.Changed plans.Was suppose to go bowling with Geri,Sam,Sa.Headed to town cause me and debbie gonna meet Husaini and Jamal.Hahaha.Went to go trim my hair before that.Hehh.Half the population of sacians were heading towards town.Grrr.Breakfast at Lucky plaza and met up with veron after that.Khai not working today.Yeps.Walked in and out of Far East.Bumped into Tiffy and Cheryl.Hah.Met those 2 monkeys after that.Hahaha.Husaini so playful okays.Hahaha.At least Jamal wasn't that bad.Hahaha.Saini abit spastic la.Hehh.

Headed towards Heeran to meet the rest.They were taking Prints.Haha.I was sleeping at one of the bench and Husaini came and hit my head.Haha.Stupid fool.Hurrr.Walked around and veron got her ataris dvd and we went to centrepoint to get free drink at coffee bean.Haha.Down to cine.Jamal was kind enough to get me famous amos brownies.Hah.And he even carried my bag.Hehh. Back home at 630.Suppose to meet rese but too lazy.Honk honk pling plang pling plang.

Oh yay yay.Kl,kl here i come.Maybe going on the 16th.Then maybe i'll bump into Incubus.Wooooohooohoooo.Brandon boyd.That's what i called super duper hotness.*faints.Hahahah.I'm gonna plan a shopping list on what to get.I need JEANS please.Maybe i'll get a bag too.And i'm getting another care bear.Care bear SHARE.=).School tomorrow ah.Lazy lazy lazy.Relek one corner SUAH.Ltrs.

Walk home,
Drowning these memories in the rain
Biting my lip to transfer this pain