Heys.I'm tired today.Haha.Drained out like anything.Band today.930 falled in.Met justine,gen and yong cai at the canteen.Then we headed up.Falled in and stuff.Joycelyn went to go talk to justine first.Hah.About..Hmmm.Someone.Yups.Hall afterthat.Played warmups and all then started the songs.Renegade,Beauty and the beast.15mins break.Then played Dancing in the wind,Cartoon.But but but played the new song today.3 southern vinegettes? Hah.Whatever that song is.
Brought home a stand and the file.Haha.Debbie's such a bum.She was like holding the stand then she said.'this one flute ah?'.Hah.Lame girl.Me and debs wanted to jam but 2 people what to jam.Headed to century square foodcourt for lunch.Sat over 1hr just talking about our childhood.Walk walk around tampines afterthat.The oh-so boring place.Haha.Headed to city hall to meet the section.Haha.We had fun.=) Won't say what we bought cause' steph will know if she reads my blog.Haha.But everything was expensive.Bleahs.I'm broke like anything.Money money money.I want it just like hunny.Where's my bunny.Shut up already.Haha.Heh.Tomorrow heading off very very early in the morning.Going to joycelyn's hse.830 meeting justine.Bleahs.How early can that be.Duno if i'm gonna stay long cause my mum wants to go visiting.But i'm too lazy.Haha.Friday.Class picnic.Haha.Somthing different.But dunno la.Hah.I saw hakim today.=) His one handsome guy.Very charming.=))
The pussy cat is still outside my house since yesterday night.Mujib say kiss it and maybe it'll turn into a handsome guy.Mahaha.Cause the cat kept on grazing its fuzzy fur on me.But it's one manje cat.I call it Lembu.(Cow in english) Haha.Aye aye.I think i'm calling that cute starbucks guy who look likes nemo,izwan.Hahaha.Friendster now.I'm adding alot of people.People that i expected not to be in friendster has friendster.Waha..Ahh Ahhh.How hard it is to find someone in friendster.Heh.Anyways people in my house now.Ltrs.Bloody hell.I smell like cat.
My oh-so white shoes.Haha.I was bored la.

The cat outside my house.Lembu.=)

Look at it's face.Upclose.Haha.


Ngah manje manje.Haha.

Haha.It likes me.=) Maybe it's my long lost boyfriend.Maha.

And now you search your heart,which is a better start
then looking in the wrong way,now when the lights go out, your no longer in doubt
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