Moments from mourning.

verbs and nouns.

Friday, December 12, 2003

Heys.Did nothing today.Slacked arond the house.Oh.Remember what i did.Slept the whole day.Down with sore throat and a slight fever i think.Yups.Wanted to go out but but but i think my mum will just nag at me.Heh.Yesterday chalet was okays.Better than i expected.Hurr.

Had a wake up call from justine.Was suppose to meet her and joselyn at 830 but i overslept.Haha.Yups.Headed down to joycelyn's house to paint the box.After that we went to whitesand's to eat.We sat there until 230 to kill time.Did our message thing and then we headed down to aranda.Joycelyn still not there.Bleahs.We went to burger king to slack.Went back to aranda at 330.

Help nat and jac with the bowling pin thing then help justine with the box.Haha.Steph came at 6something.Debating on where to go.So we went to the beach which is not so near.Haha.On the other side of aranda.Walk walk walk till we were tired.Sat down at some bench and set up.Heh.Listen to steph play and all then we me,justine,cass,gen,joselyn and yong cai walk further down the beach but then we saw lightning so we headed back.Justine and me was just crazy.We were talking about prata.Hehh.

Came back and ate and ate ate and grew fat.Haha.Then it drizzled.Went to the shelter then we all went up to see Dr.Tigerrr.Hahaha.Dumb show.Haha.Gave steph her present.Haha.Then she gave us cookies.They were good.=) Left at 10 cause my mum kept on calling.Rahh.Walked out with steph and gen.Went to meet justine at burger king first.Heh.Yups.Tiff and cheryl was there.Hahaha.I got a toberon and keanda beauno.If that's how you spell both of the chocs.Haha.Justine's parents sent me home.Yups.My mummy nagged at me.'Don't come back next time'.Nahnia.Heh.Nevertheless i had fun.=))

Weekends are here! =) Haha.Don't think i'll be going for the concert tomorrow.Sam don't wanna go.And so i'm left with no tickets.Rahh.Gig tmr.Hopefully i won't be too sick.Sunday going for detrash.Veron wants to go so yea.Heh.Hmm.Haven't tell my mum yet.Haha.But i did tell her last week that i'm going to concerts.Haha.Yups.Anyway i am going to concerts only that it's a gig? Hurr.Bah.I'm crapping.Added some pictures in saxophone section.Ltrs.

Sax section without tiffy.

In your eyes I see a darkness that torments you
and in your head where it dwells.